Saturday, May 03, 2014

a reminder to every woman

Dear woman,
Here is a reminder.
Before being a mother and wife 
and one of the many other relative 
to the many men ( and women) in your life, 
before even being a woman, 
you are a human being. 
And you are only answerable 
to the Creator. 
If you have a different opinion 
remember that 
it is because you have been conditioned 
to think and believe so 
by society 
over a very long period of time. 
A time as long as human existence. 
You ARE a free spirit. 
In your last hours, 
God is not going to ask you how you served others. He is going to ask you 
what did you do with your human life? 
You are a free spirit. 
Believe this. 
Understand this truth. 
And now know this 
that you can choose to act in any role 
and meet demands made by society... 
If you choose to. 
Not because you have to.


anilkurup59 said...

"....head strong, opinionated, temperamental, honest..." So goes your self analysis in your profile.
Which of the mentioned qualities prompted you write this post?
BTW well said.

kaalpanique said...

:)self analysis! Lol! But its a sudden illumination actually!

kaalpanique said...

Yes divz. Its about being counted as a human being... The first and the last thing. I am not sure if many understand or realise this...