Sunday, October 14, 2012


This year's got to be The year of transitions for me and my family. A new baby in the house. My older daughter is adjusting to her role as a big sister as also moving onto schooling. Its been hard on her. And we are shortly going to relocate to a new house in a new city. That means choosing a new school for her. A new set of friends. Not only for her but also for us. My husband is between jobs. He is grappling with a choice to continue sailing vis a vis a shore job. Things are muddled unclear hazy. Its stressful groping in the fog without a clear direction or knowing what might happen. While there is a sense of adventure at the change and novelty, there is also apprehension and the longing to settle down to a familiar rhythm. So until then we are swimming in strong currents through the stream of transition.


Vani said...

all the best

anilkurup59 said...

The mystery of the unknown can always scare you. But see if you have to be frightened.

designdynamic2006 said...

yes. the fear of the unknown!

Balachandran V said...

Where are you moving to? Trivandrum, by any chance? :-)

good luck, K!Take it easy!